
Tailwind CSS




The Next.js Platform with Auth for a Personalized Workout Experience

LB FitnessSPA Platform

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LB Fitness




What the project was about.

The meaning of this project was to develop a fitness platform, using map functions with props, authentication and more. The platform was developed through Next.js as the framework, whereas Tailwind is being used for the CSS library. Regarding authentication, the whole web application is being processed through the Auth0 authentication API where I have access to a dashboard for the platform, showing live users, total logins/ signups and also giving me the capability to edit and delete accounts.

Auth0 is an authentication and authorization platform for your application. It provides all the tools necessary to build and run a secure identity infrastructure including authentication, data protection, and password management.

Through this project, my primary focus was full-stack as well as UI & UX design, practicing different JavaScript methods and functions, as well as authentication implementation, tokens and private route. Developing a user interface that would resonates with its audience was important too, when developing digital platform like this, as you need a design that not only attracts the user but also gets attracts them to the call to action.

Project Image



This was an interesting project, where I got to work in a full-stack project. This was my first time working on an platform like this, using Auth0. Either way, everything went great, and there isn't much to be improved & I would definitely work on a project like this again.



Lucas B. Jolibois

I'm a web developer that pays attention to details and strive for excellence in everything that I do. Let me help you achieve your goals and take your brand to the next level. Let's talk!

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Developed and designed by Lucas Bendix Jolibois