Victory at the InnoDays Innovation Contest: Celebrating a New Win!

InnoDaysInnovation Competition

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Competition Introduction

What the competion was about

Get ready to be blown away by the incredible InoDays competition! Zealand, Fors and RockWool, along with other notable businesses, have partnered up to host this prestigious technological innovation event. And guess what? I was lucky enough to walk away with first place after competing against hundreds of the most talented individuals out there!

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Solution Concept

Learn more about the solution

Water cleansing concept

During the competition, I came up with a revolutionary water purification concept, that is bound to change the game. After extensive research and calculations, I discovered a groundbreaking method that involves combining RockFlow Blocks with Automatic Variable Filtration Technology (AVF) and UV using fused silica. And what did I achieve with this unique approach? A staggering water purification rate of 99.9% to 100%! This means that any type of pollution, bacteria, or viruses in the water can be completely eliminated. And even tricky bacteria like Cryptosporidium, which have cellular walls that block UV, are removed through AVF. Trust me, no impurities stand a chance against this powerful purification process.

The App

But that's not all! Once the water has been purified, it's transported to a container that links up with an incredible app. The app provides real-time updates on pollution and bacteria levels in the water, so you can rest easy knowing that you're always drinking the cleanest water possible.

Concept Video

Conceptual video pitch

Learn more about the conceptual innovative solution through this AI generated video that i made, explaining the concept if the idea.

Lucas B. Jolibois

I'm a web developer that pays attention to details and strive for excellence in everything that I do. Let me help you achieve your goals and take your brand to the next level. Let's talk!

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Developed and designed by Lucas Bendix Jolibois