Learn more about me & my work

Hi there, I'm a frontend developer and UX/UI Designer based in Copenhagen, Denmark. I code and design with a minimal and beautiful design in mind.

I am highly motivated to continue learning and improving my competences within frontend, UX design and everything related.

Hero Image

Competencies & skills

Working in this industry, I have gained experience within different elements in my field. When working within the tech industry, it is important to be diverse, and know different technologies. My skills can been seen down below, but I am always highly motivated to continue learning and improving my competencies.

Web Development

HTML, CSS, SCSS, Tailwind CSS, Javascript, Node.js, Next.js, React.js, Gatsby, Vue.js, Angular, Ionic, Wordpress, Shopify, Material UI, Styled Components, AOS, Auth0, Netlify, Vercel, VS Code, GitHub

Other Compotencies

SEO, User Interface, User Experience, Design Principles, Gestalt Laws, Design Thinking, Project Management, Adobe XD, Figma, Lightroom

Hi! My name is Lucas and I enjoy designing & creating things that live on the internet.

My interest in informatics started back in 2017 when I decided to study computer science in highschool. Back then I was building & developing circuits with Arduino. — All of that led me to where I am now!

Once i finshed my education in computer science, i started studying Multimedia designer with a focus in frontend web development and UI/ UX design.

At the moment I am a student at Zealand Academy Of Technologies and Businesses, studying Web Development, focusing on frontend, backend and database.

Even though web development and web design is my passion, I also have other competencies, such as SEO, SoMe, graphic design, and more.

Fun Facts!


Working out is one of my passion. It helps improve my physical and mental health. Additionally it’s a great way to improve productivity, as your body releases endorphins and other natural brain chemicals that can enhance your sense of well-being.


I always try to strive and improve in all aspects of my life. Including web development. I try to stay up to date with relevant technologies by working on personal projects.


I enjoy traveling the world and experiencing different countries and cities. It inspires me to see, taste, and try new things. It constantly challenges me, not only to adapt to and explore new surroundings but also to engage with different people.

Hang outs

In my free time, I enjoy going out with my friends whether that’s going out, working out, working, or gaming. It’s also a good way to improve your social & work balance.

Lucas B. Jolibois

I'm a web developer that pays attention to details and strive for excellence in everything that I do. Let me help you achieve your goals and take your brand to the next level. Let's talk!

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Developed and designed by Lucas Bendix Jolibois