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Development of a Revolutionary Weather Tracker SPA PWA

iWeatherSPA PWA WebApp

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What the project was about.

The meaning of this project was to develop a weather tracker SPA PWA web application using a weather API, that fetches the data from it and shows the weather of any given location by entering a city or a country name. The weather web fetches the data when online, but saves it when offline. This gives the user the capability to see the weather at anytime and anywhere. Even when they're offline.

What is a Weather API? Weather APIs are Application Programming Interfaces that allow you to connect to large databases of weather forecast and historical information data on a globe scale.

iWeather is your local weather web app, based on react.js and the OpenWeatherMap API. The weather web application shows the date, location, weather, temperature in degrees, and even changes background depending on the temperature. The background will have a colder look at any degrees under 16°c and will turn into a warmer background at anything above.

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This was my very first project, working with any API's what so ever, ergo it was definitely interesting and I would love to work on a similar project in the future. Working on this particular project, gave me a broader understanding of how working with data from an API works, as well as how to fetch it. Given this was my first project working with an API, I was happy about the results. Currently, the web app showcases the time & date, temperature, whether the sky is clear or not, and changes the background image depending on the temperature, which is some great features. I do think that more features should be added either in the future or if I ever decide to develop a project like this again.

Future improvements.

Even though I am happy about the results, there could be room for some potential future improvements. Something that I would have loved to showcase, was weekly temperatures, and not only the current one. Additionally, I think it could be a great idea to include a saving list, where the user could access saved locations. If I ever decide to develop a new weather application or further develop this one, these areas are definitely something I would be focusing on.


Benny Box

Lucas B. Jolibois

I'm a web developer that pays attention to details and strive for excellence in everything that I do. Let me help you achieve your goals and take your brand to the next level. Let's talk!

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